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Planned Giving

The term "Planned Giving" applies to charitable gifts that are structured to provide financial benefits for both the donor and recipient. Planned gifts can provide tax advantages and/or income for life. 

With planned gifts to the Barre Opera House you make a lasting impact and help us secure our future while meeting your own financial goals. 

Planned gifts include:

  • If you are over 70½, directing a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from an IRA to the Barre Opera House, to fulfill your Required Minimum Distribution tax-free.
  • Naming the Barre Opera House as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, retirement account, or other financial assets.
  • Making a bequest to the Barre Opera House from your estate. You can bequeath a specific dollar amount, leave a percentage of your estate, or donate other assets (stocks, bonds, CDs, real estate, artwork, jewelry, partnership interests, etc.).
  • Creating a Charitable Remainder Trust, which provides income for your lifetime, or for up to 20 years, or a Charitable Lead Trust, which will provide the Barre Opera House with a fixed amount for your lifetime or a specified time period.
  • Setting up a Gift Annuity, through which you contribute funds or assets to the Barre Opera House, and and we in turn pay you a fixed annuity for the rest of your life.

The Barre Opera House achieves our goals through visionary gifts. Please consider helping us to fulfill our mission, sustain our operations, strengthen our community, and build a strong cultural legacy for future generations. To pursue a planned gift to the Barre Opera House, call the Executive Director, Nathaniel G. Lew, at 802-476-0311. He and our partners can help you work out the best path forward.